
Friday, August 16, 2019


I was a latecomer to the world of social media. In truth, I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the land of posts and scrolling, tweets and Likes. This blog was one thing, Facebook and Twitter were something else again. But I take my author work seriously, and an author’s gotta do what an author’s gotta do to make reader friends and influence reader people.

Some of that work is surprisingly fun, though. Facebook parties, for example. I’ve got one coming up on Saturday, August 24, the Science Fiction Romance Soiree, sponsored by my friends at I’ll be participating with a number of other SFR authors (including frequent Spacefreighters guest blogger Lea Kirk, Lexi Post and others).

But what exactly is a Facebook Party, you ask? Besides being the best way for an introvert to interact with new folks without having to leave the comfort of her office or change out of her jammies, it’s a fun way for readers and authors to get to know each other informally. The party takes place on Facebook on the event link from noon to 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, with each author assigned a half-hour segment. Trivia contests are popular, as are photo posts, swag offers and giveaways. But the real fun is in the comments from readers and fans tuning in to meet and talk with their favorite (or new-to-them) authors.

My segment runs from 4:00 to 4:30 PDT, and I plan some STAR TREK talk, some Q&A about my books, and a few giveaways. (Please note: any giveaways are NOT associated with or sponsored by Facebook or LoveRomanceReads. Prizes will be awarded by random drawing performed by my cats. You must be 18 or older to enter or win. You must have a valid email and Facebook profile to enter.) Giveaways often include signed books, tee-shirts and even Amazon gift cards!

How can you get in on the action? It’s easy! Go to the Science Fiction Romance event link on Facebook and click “Going” on the page. The Facebook minions will take it from there, reminding you at intervals that you have an event upcoming. Depending on your time zone, you may have to interrupt your lunch, or your nap time, or your dinner, for a few minutes to tune in for your favorite author (and/or for me, I hope!), but the segments are short and you don’t have to be “present” to win the drawings.

Best of all, you don’t even have to change out of your jammies, your cut-offs, or your swimsuit to join this Facebook Party!

Cheers, Donna

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