Since we’re coming up on Labor Day weekend, there are not
one, but TWO hurricanes on the horizon, and everyone has other things on their
minds, I’ll make it brief this week with just a couple of newsy items.
First of all, if you aren’t a member of Romance Writers of America® (or you have a life), you probably missed the kerfuffle over on the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Chapter online forum about the possibility of requesting a change in RITA® contest categories. You may remember I had suggested this very thing when the RWA® leadership was looking for input on what to do about diversity a few months ago. Science fiction romance needs its own contest category to encourage more SFR authors to submit entries and to allow paranormal authors and SFR authors to judge each others’ work.

I only bring this up to say that anyone here who is a member
of both RWA® and the Brigade might consider contacting the RWA® leadership directly
to let their voices be heard on the issue of a separate contest category for
SFR. The more RWA® hears from us, the more likely they will be to consider
splitting SFR off from paranormal and fantasy. Brigade members Lizzie Newell
and Jean Walker/Veronica Scott (and others) were quite vocal in our support in
the forum. I’ve already let my opinions be known. I think the time is right to
make the point.

Check it out here.
And, until next week, have a great holiday weekend and stay
Cheers, Donna
Pretty cool, Donna! I left you a comment on the LoveRomanceReads site.