
Thursday, August 1, 2019

There may be hope for Star Wars yet

I suppose most of us space opera fans know that the last movie in the latest Star Wars trilogy is due out in December this year. Much as I'm a Star Wars fan, I most sincerely hope this will be the end of the Skywalker family movies. Maybe I'm indulging in wishful thinking. After all, the title is The Rise of Skywalker. Just in case you haven't seen the trailer, here it is.

I shall just continue chanting softly, "Please don't suck. Please…"

However, Disney has another SW offering in the making which promises to be… interesting.

The Mandalorian is a series about a bounty hunter gunslinger type, along the lines of Jango and Boba Fett and wearing the same Mandalorian armour. He comes from the planet Mandalore, where the armour originated. According to the actor playing the lead role, there's a lot of Clint Eastwood about the Mandalorian, so I'm expecting something like a spaghetti western set in space.

The setting is the Star Wars universe five years or so after the fall of the Empire as portrayed in Return of the Jedi. The Mandalorian accepts a job that will take him to the edges of what remains of the Empire, far from the authority of the New Republic. There's also a female bounty hunter. Sara Dune was a rebel shock trooper during the war, but can't get used to living a 'normal' life.It'll be interesting to see how this character is handled in the series. Soldiers being unable to integrate back into society is a bit too common in our own galaxy.

The nice thing about this movie is that it seems it won't try to resurrect any of the characters we know and love. No Luke, no Leia, no Han. No Darth Vader. Brand new stories in an almost familiar setting.

There's so much scope in the Star Wars galaxy and it seems the poohbahs at Disney have learned from their mistakes. Unfortunately, the series will be shown on Disney's own subscription service.
Anyway, fingers crossed for this one. It'll be out later this year. 


  1. "so I'm expecting something like a spaghetti western set in space." Star Wars ala Firefly? I'm there! :) Oh, wait. Subscription series? Well, hopefully the series will be released on BluRay later, which is what I'm going to have to resort to with continued seasons of The Expanse now, too. (Why does all the good sci-fi content go the subscription or streaming route now. Grrrr.)

  2. BTW, I love viewing that trailer. It's so mythic! I hope the movie lives up to the promise. (Please be another The Empire Strikes Back, please be another The Empire Strikes Back...)


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