
Monday, September 9, 2019

A 9/11 Remembrance

In two days, we mark a very somber anniversary for our country. On that day, eighteen years ago, we weathered the unprovoked attacks via hijacked passenger jets on September 11, 2001, flights that ended by slamming into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the famous Hero Flight that ended in a field in Pennsylvania.

Thousands died that day. Many times that number had their lives forever affected either by the loss of loved ones, friends, or by being exposed to the toxins that were unleashed in the aftermath when they rallied to help.

For those of us who lived through it, it will always be one of those moments where we remember where we were, what we were doing, and how we were feeling in those unsettling, uncertain hours.

Wednesday marks 18 years since the tragedy. In that span of time, we've seen many changes. In the aftermath, patriotism in our nation rose to great heights and brought the people of our country together, helping us all to realize what a truly great nation this is and how privileged we are to live here. The destroyed structures have since been torn down or rebuilt, or new structures built on their foundations. Memorials have been raised to honor the dead.

But time has passed. A lot of time. An entire generation. Children who were born just after the tragedy will be graduating high school in the coming year. We'll soon turn the calendar on the second new decade in the aftermath of 9/11. 

May this be a time to reflect on how greatly this nation has been blessed and to offer prayers of hope for her future...

...and that government of the people, 
by the people, 
 for the people, 
shall not perish from the earth.

-Abraham Lincoln


  1. Yes, it was one of those indelible moments in history, those events that are etched into the brain. Even in far away Australia we watched, horrified. As I write this I can still see the people jumping, the towers coming down, the dust in the air. Even if I wanted to forget, I couldn't.

    1. Beautifully said, Greta, and a thoughtful reminder that even though this was a strike against the US, the tragedy of what was unfolding had world-shaking impact.


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