
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hello from K.M. Fawcett

Hello Spacefreighters! I am thrilled Laurie invited me to join the blogging crew! I’ll be posting every other Wednesday on topics like science fiction romance, writing, and my other love--martial arts and self-defense.

Today I want to talk about book covers, but before I do, I should probably introduce myself. I’m K.M. Fawcett, a science fiction romance writer relaunching my career this month after getting my rights back from my publisher for my books in the Survival Race Series. I like writing stories featuring underdogs and fish-out-of-water characters who find their place in the universe. I believe in happy endings and true love conquering all.

My husband—who wants everyone to know he’s the inspiration for all my heroes, who then have to be toned town for believably *grins*—and I own Tenchi Dojo in NJ, where we teach traditional Okinawan karate and kobudo (weapons). I incorporate my martial arts experience into my stories to create strong, kick-ass characters who aren’t afraid to fight for the life and love they deserve.

Now that I have the rights to my books back, I gave them shiny new covers and revised the material, including expanded and new scenes in CAPTIVE from sexy alpha gladiator Max’s point of view! Woot!

I’m super excited for the relaunch of my writing career and for my stories to be back out in the world. Before we peek at CAPTIVE’S new cover created by my cover designer Karri Klawiter, here’s a look at the original. Can you tell what genre this book is? Unfortunately for me, many readers couldn’t.

Some people guessed historical romance, medieval romance, or fantasy romance. Nope. Nope. And nope. How about this cover? What genre is this? Leave your guesses in the comments section.

A rookie cop and an alpha gladiator band together to escape their alien captors in a chilling race for survival and soon discover freedom isn’t all they desire.

Captive is available now at your favorite retailers. You can read the first chapter for free here.

Happy reading!

~ K.M. Fawcett
Romance for the Rebel Heart


  1. Glad to have you join our Spacefreighters crew, Kathy! I'm excited to hear about the reboot of your career and re-release of your amazing books. Of course I already know the genre, so I'll let someone else take a wild guess. LOL

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm thrilled to be here!

  2. I picked up the original print version, so I recognize that cover. �� Because I read the "back cover copy" whether on a print book or on the Amazon page for the book, I never have problems figuring out the genre/sub-genre of the story.

    Since there's new material, I'll be buying a Kindle copy very soon.

    Have you considered doing audiobook versions? I do a lot of my "reading" with audiobooks.

    1. I'm thrilled you recognized the original book, Seanna! Thank you so much for your support in buying a kindle copy of the new version! I think you'll be pleased with the tweaks and added bonuses.

      I'd LOVE to do audiobooks. However, I can't afford the expense right now. I'll have to see how the career relaunch goes. Fingers crossed. :)

  3. Sounds great! I love that you use your expertise in martial arts in your books.

    1. Thank you, Vicky! It's fun when I get to combine two of my loves--martial arts and writing.

  4. Welcome aboard, Kathy! We actually have a lot in common, since I also studied and taught Okinawan karate for 25 years and I recently had to revamp all my books after getting the rights back from my agent/publisher. We must be astral twins! Looking forward to your posts, both on writing and on martial arts.

    1. Hi Donna - my twin! We do have a lot in common! What style do you study? I study Isshinryu Karate. Isn't it exciting to self publish your works? I love the freedom and CONTROL I have now that didn't with the publisher. Good luck with your writing!

    2. I also study Isshinryu--I've been up to NJ to some of Master H.Kim's tournament/banquets over the years with my sensei Renshi Ray Blazer of Virginia. I no longer work out in the karate dojo--too old to be banging shins and forearms! I teach taiji and qigong now--much easier on the joints!

    3. That's awesome, Donna! I study Isshinryu under Sensei Advincula in California and I study Ryu Kon Kai under Sensei Iha Kotoro and Sensei Iha Mitsutada in Okinawa. We'll be hosting Mitsutada Sensei in NJ in April for a Kobudo seminar. You are more than welcome to join us!


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