
Monday, August 3, 2020

Back...With a New Cover Reveal!!!

I'm back from my week plus hiatus, but....ohmigosh!...the world sure likes to changes things up on us when we're not paying attention!

For one, the interface for this blog was completely revamped in my absence, and I'm struggling to find the new "ropes." Though the basic formatting and layout is there, it all looks so different and reconfigured--at least behind the scenes. And some of the features I use frequently are now under a drop down arrow for "other options." Ack! Learning curve! 

My other big change is that my spouse retired from his 2nd career on Friday, so we're in for a major adjustment in our lifestyle over the next few weeks...but yet, it's not as major as it could have been since the Covid scare has exiled him to working  mainly from home for the past 4+ months. 

Though his retirement party had to be postponed to a future date, he still got quite a send-off from his leadership and coworkers, including cards, gifts, a special CD that contained video messages from many present and past associates that was incredibly moving and one heck of a tearjerker. (*sniff!*)

And on the writing front...hoboy! I've got some monumental news coming later this week (I may grab a weekend day to break it here on Spacefreighters so you don't have to wait until Monday, cuz's a biggie! :)

But I also have a special announcement for today. SpyDog is heading for the "jump deck" to be published and now has a shiny new cover. My cover artist, Danielle Fine, hit a home run with this one. I broke it to my small launch crew first, but you get to be the first readers in the big, wide universe to see it. 

Science Fiction Romance SpyDog.

The cover features Network Agent Rigel Blackline, warrior class female Rathskian anomaly Sona (Rathskians generally only have one name--like Sair), and super StarDog/SpyDog, Maura. (A SpyDog is a special upgrade of the better known StarDogs bio-constructs.) 

The story is part of my Inherited Stars series and dovetails with the anchor novel Inherit the Stars, happening simultaneous with the events in that story, and the opening scene actually intersects with the novel, though from a very different perspective. (I often compare SpyDog to Inherit the Stars in the same way that Star Wars: A New Hope is related to Rogue One, in that both stories intersect and expand on the events in the original release, with some well-known characters making "guest appearances.") 

Here's the blurb.

When his transport is destroyed before his eyes, agent Rigel Blackline and his bio-engineered StarDog partner wind up marooned on a planet buzzing with enemy patrols. Worse, they carry time-sensitive intel that must be delivered to their contacts on a distant space station—data that could defeat their ruthless enemies.

Rigel’s only hope is to reach another Network ship before they’re captured, but things get complicated when they cross paths with Sona, a savvy warrior-class Rathskian female. She claims to be a friendly, but he suspects the vixen is a dangerous counter-spy sent to intercept him and his StarDog. His intuitive sidekick’s immediate bond with Sona is even more baffling.

Rigel decides “capturing” Sona as an enemy asset and delivering her to his superiors may be his best option, but Sona has secrets that threaten more than just Rigel’s self-control. Her knowledge of Network dealings are on a level even he isn’t privy to. Is she truly an ally, or is he playing directly into the hands of a dangerous double-agent…in more ways than one?

The story includes several returning characters from previous stories -- including a relative or two that may come as a surprise! And the ship pictured on the cover might also be familiar to readers, though readers will "meet" the vessel in an earlier time in this story than when they were first introduced to her.

SpyDog was first released as part of Pets in Space 4, though this story will have a few enhancements and expanded scenes. 

SpyDog was very well received in the Pets in Space 5 volume, a collection that was a USA TODAY Bestseller and hit #1 on Amazon, Nook and Kobo!

Have a great week! I'll be back this weekend with more news!

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