
Monday, November 30, 2020

Spacefreighters Lounge Announces Changes

Greeting, readers. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you celebrate, or a long and relaxing weekend, if you didn't.

We have a couple of blog news items to announce.

New Blog Schedule

After much discussion, the co-bloggers of Spacefreighters Lounge have decided that, going forward, we will have one scheduled post per week which will be on Fridays. We may also post on other days of the week, especially to announce new releases or other news, but Fridays will be our regular blogging day. 

We five co-bloggers will rotate the Friday blogs beginning this Friday, December 4th, with a post from KM Fawcett. 

Going forward, this blog will be focusing primarily on science fiction romance, science fiction, writing, writing-related, books, book culture and book industry topics. 

This will allow us five authors to devote time to both writing quality blogs...and more books!

Holiday Schedule

Spacefreighters Lounge will be taking our annual Holiday Break between December 18th through January 1st. If we have any news during that time, we may still be posting, but our scheduled Friday blogs will be suspended during these dates

If You Enjoy Our Content, Please Help Spread the Word

We'd like to make a suggestion so it's easier to follow our blogs and not miss our posts. 

You can use the "Follow by Email" widget that can be found on the right sidebar to subscribe to our posts. This will deliver posts directly to the email inbox you provide.

We invite you to interact and share. As the reading public becomes more focused on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) it's important to us to know our blogs are still relevant and of value to our readers. You can interact in a number of quick and easy ways:

1. Comment. We always enjoy hearing from our readers. Though few people take the time to leave comments, even a quick response will helps us to know if our blogs are being read. We do try to respond to questions and acknowledge those who comment. 

We understand not everyone has been able to leave a comment. It's been brought to our attention that this may be due to changes that Blogspot implemented some time ago related to OpenID and this is, unfortunately, beyond our control. If you are unable to respond via comment, we apologize for the inconvenience. 

2. If you don't have time to comment, you can also use the boxes below each post to check your reaction. The choices are:

     Funny         Interesting          Cool

It helps to know how readers react to our blog.

3. If you think others might enjoy a particular blog, please share the content to social media to help circulate the post. 

There are several fast and easy options to share blogs that can be found below the reaction buttons. These shortcuts let you quickly add a blog to your various feeds. Look for the small boxes with icons (located just above the blog tags) at the bottom of the post. In order from left to right, they are: 

M (Email this), B (blog this), T (share to Twitter), F (share to Facebook), P (share to Pinterest). 

We'd like to thank you for visiting Spacefreighters Lounge over the course of the last thirteen years. Spacefreighters was established in 2007 and is the sole survivor of several original science fiction romance-focused blogs that began in the late 2000s. We hope to continue to provide you with valuable content as we start our 14th year of operation. Thank you for your continued support.

Viva la Spacefreighters Lounge!


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