
Friday, March 19, 2021

Release Day Eve: Lost Serenity #scifi #adventure

Happy Release Day Eve to Lost Serenity! And boy, I never thought we'd get here. It's been a long, dry, hard haul since the release of the last main book in the series - Keir's Fall back in 2017 - with the last side story - A Merry-traxian Christmas - officially released 2019.

And now the latest story comes out tomorrow, with the main book three due in edits in June and hopefully releasing later this year. So I won't be keeping you hanging for long. Because, oh yes, Lost Serenity ends with a cliff-hanger!

Now, while I didn't struggle with a title on this one, since I had a discarded one to reuse, this story brought up the issue of trigger warnings.

Now, I have certain things that I will not read and that get an author put on my DNR (Do Not Read) list instantly if there's some graphic content I haven't been warned about. And maybe that's not always the author's fault, because we can't think of everything. Plus trigger warnings vary for people, I get that. With Lost Serenity, one of the main themes in the story is something that would not cause me acute distress if I read it in another book - well, not entirely true as it would depend how invested I am in the character and how it affects them - but I am well aware that what upsets one person may be the thing that devastates another.

When I raised the discussion in an author group, there were mixed responses which didn't help me decide one way or the other. I know specific things that upset some of my author friends and have caused them to leave or never become invested in a franchise. Others think trigger warnings are unnecessary and/or overkill, and never/rarely use them. I have three books where I've warned about explicit, violent, and/or gory content because...well, they are actually things that would bother me or, as a mum, concern me if my kids were to read them (that said, two of them have read my zombie stories). But putting one on this particular story might be big spoilers. What to do?!

There was controversy on Twitter (isn't there always?!) back in January where an author not only publicly refused to put trigger warnings on their work but specifically set out an essay in their Author's Note about why they would never, and telling readers not to be a Karen. Well, I decided that's just not me. So Lost Serenity has a trigger warning and spoilers be damned...

How could a moment's anger destroy so much happiness?

It is a question that will haunt him. When an old enemy comes to Kasha-Asor to kidnap their daughter, armed with a weapon that could end everything, Keir is forced to leave an injured Quin on Lyagnius. But his quest for a cure and their missing daughter will come at a terrible cost.

Book #2.5 of the Redemption series. Releases 20th March, 2021 (pre-order available now)

Trigger warning: the loss of a child.

In the meantime, I'd be interested to know why and what trigger warnings you've put on books, or why you don't.

Critter Update
My furred and feathered friends are all doing well, though I think they'd like it to be sunnier, warmer, and dryer, much like myself. Astrid is looking particularly fed up.
Writing Update
I'm still trying to iron out some issues with a paranormal short that will be part of my holiday collection. One day I might finish the Easter one and be able to publish the set. One day... Book three of my Redemption series will go to my editor in June, come what may.


  1. Congrats on the new release!

    I haven't used trigger warnings on my books, mainly because the content that might be considered truly disturbing is either offstage/offscreen, or in the form of a troubling memory.

    Personally, I prefer not to have trigger warnings on books I read. I don't like spoilers and, as a reader, if something truly triggers me to the point I won't finish the book, all I need to do is close it. I can't think of a single book that's ever been a DNF because of a trigger, so maybe I'm just not that triggerable. That said, I don't mind the usually vague trigger warnings on movies or TV shows--such as Violence, Adult Situations, Nudity. Just like you can look away from a screen during the parts you don't want to see in a show or movie, you can also skim past the parts of a book you prefer not to read.

  2. Thank you. I think it's a very individual thing about trigger warning, and I don't condemn either view although I wish a couple of books I'd read had carried them. That said, I find it a bit odd that films and games have to carry content warnings but books don't.

  3. Congrats on the new release! And even more kudos to you for accomplishing this in the Era of Emotional Overload (ie. pandemic)!

    1. Thank you. I think it was the boredom of lockdown finally prodded muse into action as an escape!

  4. I guess I'm fortunate that I can't think of anything in a book I would read which would 'trigger' me (ie lead to some sort of melt down or the like). I don't read horror, I avoid dystopian themes and I avoid over the top erotica or porn so that covers most bases.

    I usually don't use trigger warnings in my book blurbs because I find it's too hard to decide what constitutes a trigger. Besides, books are supposed to create emotions, that's part of what it's all about. And I do think it's pretty easy to stop reading and close the book.

    That said, I do warn potential readers about swearing, sex scenes, and in my historical fiction novel a couple of fairly graphic violent passages - like you'd get in the movies.

    And congrats on the new release. Given the current circumstances, that's a great effort. Well done, you.

    1. It's a bit of a minefield, to be sure. Thank you. Not much else to do after so many months of lockdown, my brain needed some kind of escape.

  5. I'm late to the party, so will wish you a belated happy release day! Hope you made many sales and will make many more!

    As far as warnings go, I do include one on the retailers' product description for Renegade (Survival Race #3) as the characters have experienced both physically and sexually abusive pasts and I thought that might be important for readers to be aware of before they start the book.


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