
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

An Epic Conclusion

The history of the world is marked by the rise and fall of empires, the climb to enlightenment followed by a crash into anarchy. The Twelve Systems Chronicles take place in a far future society that emerged from the ashes of three centuries of warfare. There are few taboos around sex and a great many around love. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are matters of indifference while genetics and social class define individual futures. A handful of the super wealthy control the known the galaxy.

Conceived as a single novel, the story grew to a trilogy, and then an epic series. Begun mid-2010, the final volume, Thorn Bearer, released in September 2021. After more than a decade with Lilian and The Twelve Systems Chronicles, parting with them was wrenching, but if ever heroine earned her happily-ever-after, it is Lilian Thornraven.

When the series opens, she is destitute and despised by most inhabitants of the Twelve Systems. Narrowly avoiding execution, she is indentured to one of the Twelve Systems' most powerful warriors. Feared by enemies and allies alike, Lucius Mercio's empire spans solar systems, and he wants more. Neither Lilian nor Lucius expects their relationship to develop into an epic romance. Nor do they anticipate that Lilian’s struggles to survive her trial by ordeal will change their destinies and--in Thorn Bearer-- alter the fate of  the galaxy.  

 In’Dtale has described the Twelve Systems Chronicles as ‘some of the very best in Science Fiction action and romance . . . Wow! This series just keeps getting better and better!  Ms. Manetti develops each character and plot line with such exquisite nuance that the journey of discovery is a delight to enjoy. . .  few are more deftly written or more excitingly addictive.  The worlds are intricate and realistic; the characters are both heroic and flawed. The star that shines brightest, however, is Lillian.’    

After nine volumes and countless intrigues and battles, to set the stage for the conclusion, Thorn Bearer begins with a prologue flashback to the events a few days before the opening of The Cartel, the first volume in the series.


I am the sum of my ancestors. Lilian shivers, huddled in the round indentation on the chamber floor. She aches from periods chained to the cold stone surface. Her flimsy, all but transparent incarceration singlet affords naught of comfort. By design, the prisoner’s crucible is kept cold, adding to the stress on muscles and bones.

I am the foundation of my family. For six days she has been bound on her hands and knees while Benmyn Empire, the Matahorn associate assigned the role of goad for her protocol review, has abused her in the guise of interrogation. Her scalp, neck, and shoulders burn from the stress of being dragged by her hair to the limit of the chains. Knees, elbows, wrists, and hands throb from being slammed back against the stone. The goad’s morning tea, heavily laced with milk and honey, mats her hair. His spittle is dry and crusty on her face and chest.

Honor is my blade and shield. After the second day, they had no evidence or witnesses that she was involved in Remus Gariten’s dealings. Not the few legitimate endeavors, nor any of the massive gray and black commerce endeavors. These last four days they have sought to break her will, make her capitulate, and accept the final draught. When they realized she was forgoing a morning meal and taking but sufficient water to moisten her night-dry mouth, Benmyn forced tea down her throat. If not for Dean Joseph’s intervention, she would have been scalded. Now, she takes enough to placate their need for that humiliation.

Honor endures. Dean Joseph signaled it was third bell after midday when the judgment panel adjourned to the deliberation chamber. She has no sense of time. They may have been gone a quarter period or a full one.

Honor knows not fear. She has no wish to die. She fears for her mother’s mind and her sister’s survival. The dean is confident they will agree to trial by ordeal. Executing her will not end Gariten’s taint while Katleen lives, but they cannot execute a minor. She clings to that reassurance, knowing reason will not influence them as much as her cowering. They must believe she will self-slaughter within the first season.

Boots ring on the tiled floor. The panel is returning. The mild pressure on her bladder is naught she cannot control but she allows a warm trickle to slide down her thighs. Benmyn’s high-pitched chortle confirms that he has noted her disgrace.

His fingers dig into her hair, dragging her to her knees, her face to the ceiling. Of average height, his heavy build is soft with overindulgence. Small brown eyes shine with brutal delight beneath a heavy brow, his thick lips pursed with pleasure. She whimpers when spittle coats her face. He whips her head to face the judgment bench where the other four judges stare down at her. The governor’s militia major and the governor’s chief aide represent the interests of the First System and the governing council. Jonathan’s Keeper from Pinnacle Ring represents the shrines. After Matahorn, the Geneva Group had the greatest harm from Gariten’s crimes, assigning a master associate as the fifth judge.

Sliding her eyes to the right, she tries to catch a glimpse of Dean Joseph, but the goad has her hard. The governor’s aide rests her folded hands on the table. Her elegant features, wide hazel eyes, and high forehead suggest intelligence and honor. Her expression is contemptuous. “Lilian Gariten. Guided by the wisdom of the Five Warriors, we have reached a verdict of guilt by blood. Although your crime warrants the final draught, in light of your youth and the lack of compelling evidence you participated in your father’s crimes, we have been persuaded to leniency.”

Leniency? Over two million from Lilian’s accounts along with whatever bribes Dean Joseph was able to muster.

“You will undergo a three-year trial by ordeal, in which you will serve as apprentice to the Serengeti Group preeminence, Monsignor Lucius Mercio.”

Adelaide’s grace. Monsignor Lucius has aided them as Dean Joseph hoped.

The aide’s smile is cruel. “Any transgression against the Order of the Five Warriors or violation of the apprentice protocol will carry the penalty of the final draught.” Her narrowed eyes fix on a point beyond Lilian’s right shoulder, where Dean Joseph is witness. “Strict protocols will be in force to ensure that none provide excessive consideration to ease your trial.”


The Twelve Systems Chronicles have won numerous awards: three Paranormal Guild Reviewers’ Choice Awards, five RONE Finalists, and Shield Bearer received the 2021 RONE for Science Fiction. All ten volumes are available in both e-book and paperback, with the e-book available on multiple platforms.  

Purchase links:

Series Starter Deal: The Cartel is FREE and Bright Star is 99c

EG Manetti

Where duty and passion collide

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  1. Thanks so much for guest blogging on Spacefreighters Lounge today! Your series sounds fascinating.

  2. Thank you for the guest post! Sounds like a great series!

  3. Wow, 10 books! That's absolutely epic. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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