
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Who Said This Iconic Line?

We've got a little challenge for you.

A lot of modern "mainstream" science fiction includes romantic elements and relationships in its stories that arguably may qualify them as SFR. Consider Jake and Neytiri in Avatar and Jim and Naomi in The Expanse, just to name two examples.

This quote comes directly from a science fiction motion picture that carried a distinctly romantic sub-plot which figured heavily into the decisions and discoveries the characters made -- and a happily ever after that only a science fiction romance could deliver.

Here's the quote. Can you be the first to guess the title of the movie it's from? Bonus points if you can name the character, their technical designation, and the actor who played the role. 

“If we have souls, 

they're made of the love we share. 

Undimmed by time, 

unbound by death.”

Got it? Let us know your guess in comments.

[Edited 6-16-2022 to add: No takers? There might just be an Amazon gift card in it to the first right answer. *wink, wink*]

[Edited 6-18-2022. I guess we stumped you! Here's the quote in context in the scene from the conclusion of the motion picture, Oblivion. And the answer to the bonus questions are: Jack Harper. Tech 52. Tom Cruise.]

And since we mentioned Avatar, the all new, improved Avatar 2: The Way of Water is due out this December. There are entire videos devoted to the advanced special effects of this long-awaited sequel, but I think the trailer pretty much speaks for itself.  

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