
Monday, January 2, 2023

Spacefreighters Lounge Signing Off

This blog was created in May 2007 by aspiring Science Fiction Romance writer, Laurie A. Green, and it continued for well over 15 years. 

It is the last of the original Science Fiction Romance blogs created in that era, outlasting many by nearly a decade. Its most popular post garnered some 36,000 reads! (A research piece about the Andromeda Galaxy.)

It has been a joint blog of up to five SFR writers or authors for most of that run. During that time, many of us became first time authors and have since published numerous books, and become award-winning and/or bestselling writers. Over the years, my talented co-bloggers included Donna S. Frelick, Greta van der Rol, K.M. Fawcett, E. G. Manetti, Pippa Jay, and Sharon Lynn Fisher, as well as too many guest bloggers to list. 

But times change and so do trends, especially in the world of social media.

It's now time for the Spacefreighters Lounge crew to say goodbye.

Thanks to those who have faithfully followed our blog through the years, and to those who dropped in from time-to-time to read our content or say hello. Most of our content will remain available for an undetermined time. Use the search function on the right sidebar if you're looking for a particular topic or topics. If it has to do with SFR -- or writing in general -- there's probably a blog or five about it.

We appreciate all the comments, shares and support since 2007. We hope this blog gave something back to the Science Fiction Romance community that brought it to life.

Wishing you all the best, and every success, in 2023 and beyond.


  1. I've enjoyed working with Laurie and the other ladies here but all things end. I've set myself up at Ko-Fi, where I'll write posts about books and writing. Come on over and say g'day, maybe click on 'follow'. You'll be the first to know about my new work in progress!

    1. I'll definitely see you there, Greta. Ko-fi looks like a great site for writers and authors. Thanks for all your contributions to "the Lounge." :)

  2. Sad to see a good thing end, but as George Harrison once said, all things must pass. I’m grateful to have been part of Spacefreighters for most of its existence. Thanks to Laurie and to you, our faithful readers! I’ll continue blogging at and podcasting at Stop by and say hello!

    1. Thanks for all your long years with Spacefreighters, Donna. We sure had some great times! :D


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