
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Coming Friday

On Friday, I'll have an interview with RWA Golden Heart Paranormal Romance finalist, Sharon Lynn Fisher.

What's the Golden Heart Award?

According to the Romance Writers of America website, "the purpose of the Golden Heart® contest is to promote excellence in the romance genre by recognizing outstanding romance manuscripts. "

Each year about twelve hundred romance manuscripts are entered in the Golden Heart by writers who have not, by the contest deadline, received an offer to publish a work of original fictional of 20,000 words or more.

A writer may enter a romance manuscript in one of ten contest categories:
Contemporary Series Romance
Contemporary Series Romance: Suspense/Adventure
Contemporary Single Title
Historical Romance
Inspirational Romance
Novel with Strong Romantic Elements
Paranormal Romance
Regency Historical Romance
Romantic Suspense
Young Adult Romance

First, the manuscripts are read and judged by general RWA members who select approximately 100 finalists. The final round is judged by editors from romance publishing houses. Many Golden Heart finalists sell their manuscripts to publishers as a result of the exposure from the contest.

The Golden Heart winners in each category are announced at the Awards Ceremony at the RWA Annual Conference. The 2009 Golden Heart winners will be announced at RWA's 29th Annual Conference on July 18th.

In her interview, Sharon will talk about her experience with the RWA Golden Heart contest, her manuscript GHOST PLANET, and writing in general. Be sure to tune in.

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