
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Safe Landing for the Space Shuttle

The space shuttle Atlantis made a safe landing today at Edwards Air Force Base in California, successfully completing a historic mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Florida storms detoured Atlantis away from landing at its home landing spot.

On Friday and Saturday, NASA called off all possible landing attempts because of weather on the East Coast.

Scott Altman, Commander, and his six crewmates made up the final Hubble repair mission that began 12 days ago. NASA's 19-year-old observatory is expected to continue to operate up to another decade after the $1 billion repairs and overhaul were performed.


  1. One Billion! That's a lot of space nuts and bolts, lol.

  2. Angela, yes, it does sound like a lot, but not compared to the hundreds of billions spent on the recovery act.

    This was money well spent for the knowledge we can gain over the next decade, I would hope.


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