
Monday, June 20, 2011

Laurie's Journal

T-Minus one week...and counting!

The RWA Nationals are upon us (where did the last three months go?) and we Three Laseteers are looking forward to the event with excitement and maybe just a touch of panic.  (Am I ready?  Am I prepared? Have I packed everything?)


For Sharon, this will be her "First Sale" conference and her last Golden Heart Finalists conference. (The RITAs await you, Sharon!) Exciting times! Having sold (to Tor in a two-book deal) she's no longer eligible for the Golden Heart Award.  After being a finalist in every Golden Heart she's entered, I get to witness her getting the boot to the ranks of Golden Heart Alumni during the Tuesday Golden Network event.  You see, the Golden Heart is not just another contest, it's an amazing association that you join and are connected with for the rest of your career, if not your life.  For an aspiring writer, there's no other experience that compares.

For Donna, this is another big opportunity to get her work out there.  She'll be pitching agents, promoting her work, and furthering her career.  Donna and I are now the only ones eligible to carry on the Golden Heart legacy for Spacefreighters, so I'm sure we'll be discussing strategy for the 2012 contest. Donna will be joining us in the Finalist Section at the Golden Heart/RITA ceremony this year, so it's our first opportunity for all three of us to share the prestige seats as co-bloggers, co-Brigaders, CPs and co-SFR enthusiasts. How cool is that?

And for me?  This will be my first conference as a Golden Heart finalist. As a Starcatcher, I have some 65 GH sisters that I've been talking to online daily for the last three months--trading information, sharing successes and comisserating when the news isn't so great.  I already know a few personally--Sharon, of course, and a couple of others--but for the most part this will be the first coming together of the Class of 2011. It will be so amazing to talk face-to-face to the people behind these dynamic personalities I've come to know.  I'm also looking forward to the get-together with some of my fellow SFR Brigade members again...or for the first time.  Our Skiffy Rommer ranks have soared the last two years, from the four who originally met at the FF&P The Gathering in 2009 to some fifteen a year later.  And this year?  We may have even more. This year we even have a RITA nominee in our ranks (Marcella Burnard for ENEMY WITHIN)! 

So much has happened in the last three months, from "I'm not going to conference this year" to "I'm so there...with bells and hearts on!"  Maybe I'll be meeting you there.  I certainly hope so! 

New York City, here we come!


I'm going to approach my pitches a bit differently than I originally planned, which was just to memorize my written blurb.  I'll be expanding on what makes P2PC different from other SFRs and some of the elements that set the story and characters apart on an emotional level.  As Donna mentioned, it's all about concepts and not getting too far down into the weeds on the story detail.  It's a challenge, to be sure, and pitches usually make me very nervous, but I've come to realize they are, if anything, a win-win situation.  I have nothing to lose--a "no" only leaves me at status quo--and everything to gain--a "yes" can be career-changing.  I'm pitching an agent and an editor, and each pitch will have a different focus. 


Want to get real-time Golden Heart and RITA ceremony results?  You can watch the posting of the 2011 RITA and Golden Heart award winners—as they’re being announced—on Friday, July 1, from 8:00–10:00 p.m. ET on the RWA website (, Twitter (, and Facebook (


When I return, I hope to share what I learned, what I experienced and any SFR industry news.  There's an amazing line up of editors and agents at the Golden Network Retreat who will be answering questions submitted by the Starcatchers and past GH finalists.  I'll be taking notes. 

See you on the flip side!


  1. Have a lovely time and good luck!!!!

  2. Thanks so much, Barbara. I'll be texting. :)

  3. See you on Tuesday, Laurie--can't believe it's time to pack! This is my first GH, my first national conference and my first trip to NYC!

  4. Kay, you'll have a blast! The first year I attended I only knew Sharon and a couple of others online, and no one in person. I met so many other great writers that year, including co-blogger Donna S. Frelick.

    Being a finalists means you already have an association with well over 60 other attendees and that's such an advantage. You won't feel like you're going into it alone.

    Thanks for stopping by to comment. Can't wait to meet you. See you there!


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