
Saturday, October 27, 2012

GHOST PLANET release day fun (with giveaways)!

I can't believe the launch is only a few days away! Here at Spacefreighters we'll be partying all day. And a number of blog tour stops are coinciding as well (see below). We'll also give away a copy of GHOST PLANET to a commenter on release day!

OCTOBER 30, 2012 

Book giveaways at all these stops!

Drop by the Facebook online launch party for a glass of virtual champagne. Or if you don't like the virtual kind (I sure don't), BYOB, I won't tell!

Author interview by Heather at The Galaxy Express -- Why I mixed sci-fi and romance, getting to know my characters, and the most challenging and fun parts of writing the novel.

Guest post at SF Signal: The GHOST PLANET / SOLARIS Connection -- In which I discuss how the sci-fi classic inspired me, and how the two stories differ.

Author interview at Castles & Guns -- Three things everyone should know about me, advice to aspiring authors, and thoughts on worldbuilding.


  1. I preordered my kindle copy! Congrats!!!

  2. Oh squeeeee, look at that clock!

    A little less than two days now. It's been so amazing sharing this journey with you, Sharon. Can't wait for the official launch of this shiny new SFR.

    As the old 70s lyrics go, "What a lonnnnnng, cool trip it's been!"


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