
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Big @iBooks SFR Event & #BristolCon: Final Countdown! #scifi #romance #sale

Today sees the start of a very special SFR event at iBooks: 19 discounted novels from award winning authors across the broad spectrum of SciFi romance (including my time travel romance Keir). The lovely people at Apple have provided a direct link to the feature page HERE (unfortunately you can only access and purchase the books if you have an iPhone or iPad). The sale runs for two weeks - a great time to stock up on reads ready for Christmas (or if you'd rather lose yourself in a book than sit through yet more presidential campaign). ;)

Status Update

It's just four days until BristolCon! O.M.G.

This was my final practice set up before the con, so I know exactly what I need/want to take and how to lay it all out. I'm kind of relieved I don't have any other titles in print right now because I'm struggling for space with just half a table to myself! A good problem to have?

I've been doing final prep and packing for the past week, and it's pretty much consumed my attention. We are having a very minor car issue (not again!) but only with her starting on the now cold mornings. As long as she starts, we're good. I absolutely refuse to be thwarted by a machine again - our mechanic is stumped by her starting issue but otherwise sees no reason for her to break down on us. Let's hope those aren't famous last words...

Between BristolCon prep, the iBook event, arguing with ParcelForce over their inability to take my customs charge payment and deliver my package, and my cosplay, no writing or editing is getting done. I'm hoping to go back to Keir book three in November, but I'm not making any promises right now. >_<

Chook Update
My girls are all nicely fluffed up for winter but very reluctant to emerge of a morning now it's chilly and the days are shortening. Last week they had a little wander in the garden on one of the warmer days when I could tolerate sitting out there.

See you after BristolCon!


  1. Have fun at the Con and thanks for the update on the chickens - I'm always so fascinated by them!

  2. Great looking display, Pippa! Hope you have a lovely and productive time at BristolCon. :)

    Looking forward to your report.

  3. Enjoy the Con and the Cosplay. Everyone deserves a break


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