
Friday, December 16, 2016


Tired of the same, old blather from me every week? Well, how about a chance to meet some new authors and enter to win fantastic prizes at every stop along the way in The Holly Jolly Facebook Page Hop?

This holiday-themed Hop invites readers to hop from page to page, entering to win an awesome prize at each stop from fantastic authors and bloggers, many of them my fellow writers at Inklings Literary Agency. We have over 60 stops scheduled with more than $1000 in prizes, including at least two Kindle eReaders, gift cards galore, jewelry, signed books, and spectacular swag! Fun scavenger hunts with extra prizes (gift cards, Harry Potter Illustrated, etc.) in the Fiction Books Group on Facebook will drive readers to visit all stops on the hop. The GRAND PRIZE Kindle Paperwhite Rafflecopter, hosted on C. M. McCoy’s The Eerie Blog rewards readers for visiting all stops on the hop as well.

You can start your trip around the Hop at any place on the loop (you’ll be directed to the next stop on each page), but why not start with my Donna S. Frelick Author Page? I’m offering a signed copy of my new release, the best-selling SFR anthology Baby It’s Cold in Space. The next stop on the tour is my Interstellar Rescue Page, with an offer of a signed copy of Fools Rush In AND a Rescue tee-shirt! 

Join in and have some fun for the holidays! And thank you, readers, for all your support throughout the year!

Next week all of our posts will be devoted to STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE, including this one. I won’t return until January 6. So I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year!

Cheers, Donna

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