
Monday, July 13, 2009

"Geek" is a Four Letter Word

[A tongue in cheek rant from yours truly.]

I don't like the word "geek." I've also never been fond of "nerd." If you look those up in the Thesaurus, you'll find they're pegged the equivalent of "bore." Say WHAT?

Galloping around the universe is not a game for the boring!

I'm a female writer and reader who loves the possibilities of science fiction, along with a liberal dose of romantic action. I'm a SFR fan. A Skiffy Rommer. Proud member of the Brigade. That doesn't make of those "other" words.

Thank you, Dr. Bailey!

If I must have a label I prefer "adventurist." Or "forward thinker." Or even "space groupie." Isn't it time female readers interested in science, space, astronomy and astrophysics are thought of in more flattering terms than geek and nerd? It's okay for females to be doctors, lawyers, astronauts, CEOs, even presidential candidates, but not to be hooked on science fiction? There's something fundamentally wrong with that picture, don't you think?

After all, it is almost 2010. ;)


  1. LOL Probably my favorite scene from Grey's Anatomy, and that's saying a lot, being the fanatic that I am. :)


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