
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sky is Not the Limit

That's now my official SFR motto. It was one of my suggested mottos for Intergalactic Science Fiction Romance week in September 2008, and also the title of my interview on The Galaxy Express last fall. It's even on my new batch of business cards. And this week, it really has some added meaning.

Ah, yes! I'm off to RWA National tomorrow. WOOT!!!

While I'm away, please tune in to The Galaxy Express to join host Heather for the Parallel Universe event. I also hope to be posting live Twitter updates from Washington DC, along with other SFR writers and authors, letting you know all about the experience and the latest happenings. Follow the tweets and feel free to join in the conversation at #rwasfr. It should be a very fun, exciting and educational week for this first timer.

See you on the flip side. :D

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