
Monday, February 1, 2016

Meet Katrina--Writing Buddy Extraordinaire

Hi! Mom told me I should visit her blog and introduce myself. My name is Katrina, and I'm a miniature longhaired dachshund, but everyone calls me "Ooooooohhowcute!" My official job around here is Writing Buddy!

When I came to live with mom and dad in 2010, I already had my name, but she told me it's also the name of the heroine in her third book. She didn't name her heroine after me though. She told me that waz just ko intzie dents. (I don't know what ko intzie dents is, but it soundz yummy like bacon!)

I got my name because I was born about the same time as a big scary storm humanz called a hurrycane, but mom's heroine was named after someone she knew when she was a puppy. (Cuz I think that book has been in her head since she was a pup!)

Mom had two other mini longhairs before me, but they were both redheadz. I'm the bestest cuz I'm a brunette!

I'm smart, too. I know what "Wanna go write?" means and when she sayz that, I run to the door of her office and do little dancez (and I do mean "little" cuz I gotz very short legz!) until she lets me in.

Then I scoot under her desk and cuddle up in a special bed she put there for me that has bonez and chew toyz and stuff. (My mommy loves me.)
Mom's office

Me, at work
I help mom write by hanging out with her all day while she makes clicking sounds on a punchy thing and mutters to herself. (Sometimes she curses too, but I wasn't supposed to tell you that part. Ooops.)

Sometimes she stops to ask me questions. I just look up at her with my big, brown eyes--cuz, you know, I don't speak human--but I think she's telepathic, cuz pretty soon, she starts clicking again. I LUV helping mom write!

Some days when mom is done making tappy sounds, I don't want to leave my special spot and she has to come get me out. What I'm really doing iz protesting because I think she really should write some more.

She's not very good at taking a hint.

Mom also has two kitteez we share the house with, but they aren't good writing buddies like me, cuz they prowl around her office and knock notes off her desk and lay on her punchy thing. Theyz bad writing kitteez. Mom and Dad call them Serenity and Sugar, but I just call them...
Kittee 1 (aka Sugar)

Kittee 2 (aka Serenity)
They iz sisters. They sleep a lot and don't behave very good. Sometimes they scratch at our office door and meow. Mom doesn't let them in very often, cuz they aren't good writing buddies like me!

When mom is done writing we all curl up on the couch with dad to watch TV or read. Then they are good kitteez because they are warm and soft and like to cuddle with me. They think I'm a kittee, too. They're sillee.

You can read about other Spacefreighters Lounge writing friendz here:

Donna's Cats Commandeer the Keyboard
Greta's Wild Feathered Friends
Pippa's Chickens

Thanks for coming to meet me. Oh yeah. Mom says to tell you, "Have a great week!" Arf!

P.S. The winners of the 2015 SFR Galaxy Awards were announced yesterday! A number of outstanding novels were named in this year's list. Here's the link -- SFR Galaxy Awards -- where you can read about all the winning books. Congrats to our own Sharon Lynn Fisher for Echo 8's win!


  1. Oh, I love it. What a wonderful little helper. Lucky you. And the contrast with the kitteez is soooo typical.

    1. Thanks, Greta. Katrina says thanks for the compliment. Yeah, they're all diverse personalities, for sure.

  2. U r a dog, but u look like a cat. U wud be fun to play with--Shadow
    Let's go wake up those cats.--Blanca

    1. Katrina says: U guyz look like fun kitteez, too. Let's play! Oh yeah, you live far, far away. Theze kitteez sleep alot. They need to get woken up.


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