
Monday, October 26, 2020

Cell Network on the Moon by 2022!?

Yes, you read that right. 

NASA is planning to build the first 4G mobile cellular network on the Moon, and they've selected Nokia to help them do it. In fact, they have fourteen other partners involved to work on technologies that will sustain development on the Moon, according to NASA officials.

The future is here!

Though Nokia is probably best known for their early cell phone designs, the company also has the capacity to build vital infrastructure from cell towers and satellites. The Finland corporation will work with Bell Labs to build a lunar cellular network, planned for a late 2022 launch.

"Reliable, resilient and high-capacity communications networks will be key to supporting sustainable human presence on the lunar surface," said Nokia Chief Technology Officer Marcus Weldon in a recent press release. He also remarked that Bell Labs is once again "planting the flag" for unconventional pioneering and innovation as we make our first steps onto another world. 

The contract is said to be in the amount of $14.1 million and will "provide a speedy connection to any device within range of a base station."

NASA's Artemis program is planning to send astronauts on a lunar mission by 2024. Can you imagine being one of the first to get a selfie from another world? Or a tweet that the lunar landing vehicle has just touched down? 

It's another amazing stride forward as our technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds. Be sure to catch Donna's Friday blog about several other exciting new advances (plot bunnies!) by following this link: 

Room for Optimism in Today's Science News by Donna S. Frelick

Reference information for this blog can be found here:

Chron: NASA is Launching a 4G Mobile Network on the Moon 

Popular Science: The Moon will soon have Cell Service

Is Pets in Space 5 the Best Collection Yet?

On October 6, the fifth annual Pets in Space® volume was released and the response has been tremendous!

If you read some of the reviews, the "best collection yet" has certainly been a repeated theme and it's saying quite a lot considering the first four volumes were pretty amazing themselves. 

It's an especially proud achievement considering the authors were dealing with varying level of stress in their personal lives due to the pandemic crises while in the process of penning these stories. 

Yet, reading the reviews immediately invoked shades of Oprah: "You get 5 stars! And you get 5 stars! And you get 5 stars!"

Let me recap just a few of the many comments made by readers:


Another perfect anthology! -Five star Amazon review

THE BEST OF THE BEST -Five star Amazon review

Terriffic -Five star Amazon review

Great anthology! - Five star Amazon review

And what a yummy smorgasbord of delicious SFR delights it is. Reading Reality Reviews - Five Stars

Absolutely fantastic collection of stories from so many outstanding authors. Loved each and everyone. Ready for more. -Five Star Goodreads review

Also, don't miss co-blogger Greta van der Rol's reviews on three of the Pets in Space 5 books at the links below:

Greta van der Rol: Juggernaut - A Pets in Space 5 Story

Greta van der Rol: The General's Holiday is a Great Read

Greta van der Rol: Another Winner from Pets in Space

While the authors are all extremely happy to have delivered such a well-received collection of works, we're also a little concerned that time is running out for our charity, Hero-Dogs

Our donation window ends on Veterans Day, November 11th! That's just a little over two weeks away.

If you haven't yet purchased a copy of this exciting new Pets in Space® offering, please consider doing so today so a portion of your purchase can go to help Hero Dogs. But also, so you can grab this wonderful volume of science fiction romance stories--in spaaaaaaaace--before it's gone forever! 

These volumes only run for a limited time before they are permanently removed from sale. You may still be able to track down a story or two if they're republished in the future, but certainly not at a price of less than 42 cents per book! And I do mean 'per book'! Most of these stories are novella to full novel length! 

That's a whole lot of great reading that will give you an escape from the here-and-now, and help a fabulous charity like Hero-Dogs while you're at it. 

Click here to see all the available vendors: 

Pets in Space 5

Have a great week. A very Happy Halloween...and Happy Reading!

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