
Friday, February 1, 2019


Congratulations to all the winners of the seventh annual SFR Galaxy Awards recognizing standout books (and other media) in science fiction romance for 2018!

In case you have been living on an asteroid in the Outer Rim somewhere for the last seven years, these unique awards are like no others, in that there are no nominations, no standard criteria or defining rules the judges must go by to determine their choices. The individual judges (who may be bloggers, librarians, authors, readers or any combination thereof, but who all share a love of SFR) simply honor a book (or film or television show) for Best Lovers or Weird Alien Species or Space Battles, etc. and carry on.

The inspiration for this different approach to literary awards comes from SF/F pioneer Ursula K. LeGuin, who believed recognizing excellence in writing didn't have to be a zero-sum game. "I wish instead of picking one and dumping the rest," she once said, "we celebrated our writers continually and in droves." (LeGuin, sadly,  passed in 2018. This year's Awards are dedicated to her.) 

The noted author, winner of the Hugo and Nebula and other such awards herself, suggested writing awards should be given something like they are at a neighborhood pet show. Thus the SFR Galaxy Awards can be serious (like Best Behaved) or quirky (like Goofiest Grin). 

They can even be literally awarded to dog characters, like this year's designation of Favorite Dog Hero, awarded to Happy from my own Not Fade Away, Interstellar Rescue Series Book 4. Yes, turns out I'm an SFR Galaxy Awards 2018 recipient! Thank you, judge Riley Moreland!

You can read more about how the SFR Galaxy Awards came to be, see a list of all the judges and, best of all, see all the winning authors and books, movies and shows here.

Cheers, Donna


  1. Many congrats on receiving your 2018 SFR Galaxy Award, Donna! Definitely something to be proud of!

  2. What a buzz to get a Galaxy Award. I love their quirky nature and the way the judges gave recognise a book 'just because'.
    Sincere congrats. May Happy live on a prosper.

  3. Thanks so much, y'all! I'm honored to be the recipient of this award for one of my favorite characters. Happy is really enjoying his time in the spotlight!


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