
Monday, February 4, 2019

The Transport is AWAY! #amwriting #amediting #comingsoon

In other words...StarDog is off to the editor!

My former Pets in Space (1) story, now a full-blown novella after nearly a year's work, is off for its final prep before publishing as a standalone, when the story will take its place in my Inherited Stars Series as a prequel to the anchor novel, Inherit the Stars.

The story now includes expanded scenes, changed scenes, embellished scenes, an added love scene, and an epilogue that answers a lot more questions in the "what happens next" department.

I had a few readers comment that, although they loved the story and its conclusion, they still felt a little bad for the hero at the end. And yeah. I agreed there was a little more closure needed there. I did leave the poor guy out on a pretty precarious limb. In my defense, at the time it was originally written I was working under a word count limit...and it was already over by nearly 2000 words (which ended up being allowed in the original short. *Whew*)!

So that rather sudden conclusion has now been fleshed out in an all new epilogue.

I think the story has the same heart as the original, it's just grown up and added a lot more muscle. I'm also super happy with how much the story evolved in providing key insights into some of the future books.

I know it's been a couple of years since anyone has read the short story it was based on, so here's a quick reintroduction by way of the trailer I created for it.

[Sorry, ignore the last part. It's not yet available on Amazon. Hopefully soon!]

So, next up...

*cracks open Courting Disaster to begin upgrades*

*opens a brand new doc for a third StarDog story* the same time!

Cover me, I'm goin' in!

And That's a Wrap!

The SFR Galaxy Awards have been announced! and with it, my host and coordinator duties have concluded for another year! *whew*

This year, 27 SFR Galaxy Awards were given out in seven rounds, once again supporting the double-bladed mission of the awards to find greatness in SFR and to help connect readers with books that might want to read.

The list has now been recreated on the SFR GalaxyAwards site (Awards Archives: click to see), but better yet, Carol Van Natta posted the entire list with buy links on her site, so you can easily grab the ones you want to read. Here's Carol's post: 2018 SFR Galaxy Awards

Oh, and might I also mention that a member of the Spacefreighters Lounge crew has once again been graced with an award. Congratulations to Donna on getting the nod for the latest novel in her Interstellar Rescue Series, Not Fade Away. Yay!

Have a great week!

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