Monday, May 25, 2015

RT Booklovers Convention: Lightning Review

Hi All! It's Memorial Day and we're busy enjoying the holiday weekend, but I wanted to write this super quick lightning review about the RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas last week.

SFR Highlights


Sci-Fi Cooties in Space -- How to Keep the Romance Without Loosing the Rocketships!
Panel: CAPTAIN Linnea Sinclair, Donna S. Frelick, Rachel Bach/Rachel Aaron, Sabine Priestley, Monette Michaels/Rae Morgan, M. D. Waters.

Very well attended, high energy panel that discussed some of the unique elements of SFR. Note that Spacefreighters' own Donna was included in the panel.

THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015

The Strangeness Budget: Overloading on Weird
Panel: CAPTAIN Linnea Sinclair, PJ Schnyder/Piper J. Drake, K. M. Fawcett, Pauline Baird Jones, Lydia Kang

Not quite as well attended, but very lively and fun discussion about what makes SFR different, fun and fascinating!

Wild, Wild West Steampunk Party
An evening costume party with music, drinks, dancing and a big crowd of Steampunk partiers! The party lasted from 9PM to Midnight and featured a mechanical bull with various cowboys and cover models in attendance.

FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2015

Linnea Sinclair's Intergalactic Bar & Grille Event

Captained by Linnea, with co-MC PJ Schnyder/Piper J. Drake, and Table Lieutenants K. M. Fawcett, Sabine Priestley, Pauline Baird Jones, Stacey Kade, Janet Miller/Cricket Starr, Monette Michaels/Rae Morgan, M. D. Waters with Spacefreighters "Ensigns" Donna S. Frelick and Laurie A. Green pitching in on assisting with games.

A huge, high-energy gathering featuring games, giveaways, activities and featuring a massive prize table of SFR goodness. A super event!

SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 

Giant Book Fair
A monster gathering of authors doing signings, photos and chatting with fans. Featuring several SFR authors--including Rachel Bach,
Barbara Elsborg and K.M. Fawcett (who SOLD OUT! during the event).

This was my first RT Convention and I especially enjoyed getting to meet and chat with other SFR Brigaders, authors and readers. It was also a recon mission for me to learn more about the event and how we might present a larger SFR presence in the future.

The next RT will be in LAS VEGAS in April 2016. You might want to mark your calendars. :D

Check out Donna's post for more about RT.

(left to right) Donna S. Frelick, Sharon Lynn Fisher and Laurie A. Green of Spacefreighters Lounge

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