Well, folks, here in the northern hemisphere
it’s officially fall. We’ve survived Halloween, the brightly colored leaves are
piling up on our lawns, baseball has given way to football in our stadiums and Sunday-afternoon
living rooms. And you can’t take a step in the grocery, pharmacy or local
Walmart without an in-your-face reminder to GET YOUR FLU SHOT NOW!
Yes, friends, flu season blows in with the
first signs of frost on the old pumpkin, bringing the familiar misery of aching
muscles, a feverish head, a cough that won’t quit, nasal congestion and the
general feeling of being hit by a truck. You can be feeling fine at noon, and
by dinnertime want to crawl under your covers with an intravenous chicken- soup
drip. And stay there for two weeks.
Ah, but all this can be avoided if you just
GET YOUR FLU SHOT NOW, say the experts—everyone from your own doctor to the
faceless lab rats at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. They remind us
the flu is not just a painful inconvenience; it can be a deadly disease,
especially for the elderly, the very young and those with compromised immune
systems. The CDC estimates that between 12,000 and 56,000 people die in the
U.S. every year from the flu (depending on the virulence of the strain and the
length and breadth of the season). Another 710,000 become sick enough to be
Those numbers are scary enough to convince
me. I get my flu shot regularly, and I can count on a couple of fingers the
times I’ve had the flu in my lifetime. (That’s plenty for me, by the way.) Health
authorities also say the shot can lessen the impact of the flu if I do happen
to get it.
But those folks who contend they get the
shot and still get the flu are not
just the exception to the rule. In any given year, the efficiency of the vaccine
developed for that season may range from as low as ten percent (!) to perhaps
sixty percent. Compare that to the efficiency of the measles, mumps, rubella
(MMR) vaccine (97 percent) or the yellow fever vaccine (99 percent).
The reason for this is that the flu virus is
highly mutable, constantly mutating as it reproduces, even within a single
season. The virus has even been known to mutate as it is being replicated
within the eggs used to grow it for producing vaccine. That makes it nearly
impossible to predict which strain (or strains) will predominate in the
population doctors are seeking to vaccinate each season.
Researchers are working to develop a “universal”
vaccine that will trigger the human body to produce immunity against all
strains of the flu virus. But the work demands that our immune system respond
to a part of the virus that remains unchanging throughout all its mutations.
Not an easy task.
And there’s another problem. “The real
challenge is that there is already an established and very mature,
private-sector enterprise producing flu vaccine that has in place a system of
annual delivery that guarantees a certain amount of money,” said Michael
Osterholm, founder of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at
the University of Minnesota. If a multi-year universal vaccine is invented,
Osterholm argues, “flu vaccine is practically an orphan drug.”
No matter the obstacles, the need for a universal
vaccine is great. Because a viral Sword of Damocles hangs over our modern
civilization, held by a thread of a single devastating mutation in the flu
virus. One mutation is all it would take to unleash a global pandemic of the
kind that killed five percent of the world’s population 100 years ago.
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Soldiers afflicted with what many called the "Spanish flu" in 1918. |
In the flu pandemic of 1918-19, a virus
which is thought to have first appeared at an army training camp in Kansas
attacked 25.8 million people in the U.S. alone, killing 670,000. The virus
triggered an overwhelming response in the healthiest immune systems, a
cascading storm of symptoms that killed young adults within hours. As a result,
fifty percent of U.S. military deaths in World War I were due to influenza. Hospitals,
public health systems, and other public services were overwhelmed. There were
not enough doctors or nurses to treat the sick, not enough coffins for the
dead. Schools, offices, theaters and other public places were closed for fear
of spreading the flu. The pandemic was never “cured.” It simply burned itself
out after 18 months, disappearing as quickly as it had come.
But that was before the wonders of modern
medicine, you say. Yes, but also before widespread global travel at jet speed.
(Even at the speed of steamships, the flu in 1918 spread throughout the world,
from the Arctic to Africa.) Public health experts live in fear of another such
global pandemic.
The next great wave may begin as the mutation of an avian flu,
which even now is infecting people in China who come in contact with infected
chickens. (The chickens often show no symptoms, complicating government efforts to close down open markets.) The flu, known as H7N9, is deadly to some 45 percent of humans who
contract it. If the virus ever mutates to allow transmission from human to
human, experts say, this avian flu could be the source of a new global pandemic
the likes of which we’ve never seen.
Cheers, Donna
*Information for this post taken
“Journal of the Plague Year:1918 Outbreak,” by John M. Barry. Smithsonian Magazine, November, 2017.
“Animal Vector: The Birth of a
Killer,” by Melinda Liu. Smithsonian
Magazine, November, 2017.
I got a horrible case of the flu last year from my daughter - one of the years I happened to get a flu shot. At first I was all "screw flu shots!" But eventually I came to my senses and realized it was still my best bet to avoid getting it again. Also, owning farm animals and often sharing spaces with rodents (Laurie and Pippa can probably relate), NOT getting the flu means not having to rule out severe illnesses like leptospirosis and hantavirus. Needless to say, got mine a couple weeks ago!
ReplyDeleteHere flu shots are only offered to the old, the young, and those with immune system deficiencies (those on cancer treatments etc). So out of all of us, only my youngest is eligible this year. I have to say, it does seem to have cut down the number of nasty colds he gets over winter. But my kids seem super immune to everything (probably all that dirt they ate as toddlers along with all the other vaccinations they get) so they barely even catch colds. And we keep our chooks vaccinated and dosed up too.
ReplyDeleteWow, Pippa, I had no idea. That's kind of scary because a pretty big slice of your population is exposed then. I haven't got my shot yet, but they give them free here so I really have no excuse other than the finding-the-time factor. I'll get it done soon! And a shingles shot, too. My Mom had it, and I don't ever want it!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes on the rodent issues. Mice can carry Hanta, and though it's never been found in this particular area, it has occurred in our county. Hanta is nothing to mess with. Very high mortality rate. We're super careful with gloves and masks in high-risk areas. Mice, packrats and gophers can also carry bubonic plague and can pass it on to humans, as well as barn cats who happen to catch one. One of our neighbor's cats came down with plague about 20 years ago, and he had to be treated with a round of tetracyclines.
I'm fortunate that I don't have anywhere near the level of exposure to the public that I did when I was working, but David still does so I'm not as "safe" as I like to think I am. (Plus Megan works as an EMT on an ambulance so no telling what she's exposed to!)
Having kids in school is the usually a guarantee of getting everything that comes down the pike--sorry, Sharon! I've been much healthier since my kids grew up (and I stopped teaching tai chi at the local community college). And those animal vectors! Rodents and chickens and cats, oh my!