By http://www.chefelf.com/starwars/images/ep3_tantive_anh.jpg, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6834028 |
Shit. It's a spaceship!!! It totally dwarfed the ship I'd thought was pretty big seconds ago, coming and coming and coming. It was vast, a real David and Goliath scene in space.

I wouldn't say I was in love with the movie. George Lucas's lousy dialogue was right up there, front and centre, and we all know about his tight budget and the rubbery aliens in the cantina scene. But I liked Han Solo and the Wookie. Princess Leia was a heroine with guts and style who didn't need rescuing, thanks all the same. "When you came in here didn't you have a plan for getting out?" That was a wonderful breath of fresh air to those of us used to Disney Princesses.
Hey, it was fun. Lots and lots and lots of fun. I came out of the movie theatre smiling. It was like a one night stand. "Yeah, that was great. See you around sometime. Maybe."
I fell in love when I saw The Empire Strikes Back. Saw the movie three times in the first week and probably a couple of hundred times since. But that's another story.
When did you first watch Star Wares: A New Hope?
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