During the recent Brenda Novak Online Auction to Benefit Diabetes Research, I jumped at the opportunity to bid on signed copies of Rowena Cherry's SFR "chess" series, FORCED MATE, INSUFFICIENT MATING MATERIAL, and KNIGHT'S FORK. I had the extreme fortune to be the high bidder on this lot. *insert big silly smile here*
Ms. Cherry contacted me promptly about shipping and I soon received the three very welcome (not to mention gorgeous) new additions to my Leaning Tower of TBR (R). They, of course, went to the top of the stack, and I've already started reading FORCED MATE. (Do I sound just a wee bit giddy?)
Special thanks to Rowena Cherry for putting her fine books up for auction and to Brenda Novak for another outstanding auction. (If you haven't checked out this auction yet, you really should be sure to catch it next year.)
I hope to post book reviews in the near future.
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